Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Scene From a Laundry Room

The laundry machine in my illustrious apartment complex has been broken since this weekend. It's the machine that soaks and spins and not the unsoak machine. I resorted to going to the floor below mine and using their machine yesterday. It's no problem. A flight of stairs with an elevator option for the weak.

I crammed my way into the tiny room that houses the machines, a wash basin for the Amish and a bookshelf. I don't understand why there is a bookshelf in there, but it does make the surroundings much more intimate for multiplayer washing. I had never been in the room with another person until yesterday. Anyway, I threw my clothes in the machine and went back to my apartment to tidy up a bit.

I returned after 35 minutes and walked into the room to find what would later be identified as a woman staring at the drying machine...intently. I squeezed past her and thought to myself there is no way that I'm getting out of here without some form of physical contact and that contact should be avoided. Maybe I can go over her if I climb up on the machine, but then it will be obvious that I'm avoiding her and I also may wreck my back.

She looked like she had not been out of the apartment for like six weeks and had not seen the sun in seven weeks. She had kind of a pale face with marks of adult acne scattered across it and was grinding her teeth. She looked at me kind of sideways and then left the room immediately.

My first thought was that she was reading my mind. That concerned me. When I started to think rationally in the situation, I decided that she was trippin' balls and hallucinated me as a demon or some type of laundry performing dragon and feared for her safety. That was a way better option than the mind reading, but that option has still not fully been discounted.

I managed to get out of the room without any type of physical contact and took that as a win in addition to getting my laundry dried on my floor which I promptly burned due to concerns of neighborly contamination. I think I'm going to stay off that lower floor, though. It's either that or fully investigate the situation. Sounds dangerous, though. Sounds a lot like Blair Witch Project meets Requiem for a Dream.

1 comment:

Dominique said...

Where the hell are you living? I sort of want to rescue you. That sounds like all kinds of crazy.