Friday, July 01, 2011


It's Friday and I'm doing a throwback to the search for the whack ass pattern in the iPod shuffle. I've got $50 on a triple shot of Beck. It's going to come out that people are paying to get into the shuffle algorithm someday.

1. Pie In The Sky by Frank Black
FB is rad. This is on Teenager of the Year which was my gateway for FB and the Pixies, but this song is just okay. In there and out of there, though. It doesn't waste your time and it's better than Linkin Park.

2. Friend of Mine by The National
Rules are rules. When Ryan Adams comes up 72 times on the shuffle, I've gotta wear it. This band belongs to someone else and I had it flagged to not show up in shuffle, but the new iPod refreshed and this comes up. I mean it's not like she owns this band, but we went and saw them so it reminds me of her. Plus, she really liked it. Music for wounded birds. What ever happened to happy music? The National is for drinking whiskey by yourself in a low lit room. They are awesome, but fuck man, if this music were a color it would be the grey of Eeeyore's fur.

3. Space Dementia by Muse
These dudes sucked Steve Jobs' dick or something. They are in the contest for most plays on shuffle with Ryan Adams and Beck. So, Muse is rad. They are surrogate for Radiohead's The Bends after Radiohead went Ok Compute. My homepiss Joel brought Absolution back from Europoe when he played there and we loved it. I downloaded their whole back catalog because it wasn't in the states yet and always wondered why their label thought it wouldn't sell here. Well, it sold. It got played on the radio. It got played during movie trailers and lo and behold, the record industry Blood Sugar Sex Magiced Muse for me. They just played that shit into the fuckin' ground and somewhere there are "kidz" singing a Muse song for a Kidz Bop album somewhere. Muse is bad ass, though. They write bad jams that are so secretly science fiction that you don't pick up on it on the first spin, but all their shit is about space. This song is not so secretly about space. If Carl Sagan started a band, it would be Muse.

4. Officer David Livingston ny The Shit (Ryan Adams)
Told you. Ryan Adams comes up constantly on shuffle. Need to uncheck this from the shuffle list, too. The song was only a minute long. Had no time to write anything about it. The Ryan Adams side project is pretty funny, though. I have enjoyed it in the past.

5. Jackson Cannery by Ben Folds Five
I know it's hella pussy to like Ben Folds, but I do. He's a rad songwriter and The Five has a great sense of humor. This is a bad jam, too. I couldn't tell you what it's about, but the bass on it does a great job of making a trio sound big.

6. Assemble The Empire by Sparta
This is when they still sounded like At The Drive In. This was the first album post breakup. Now, somewhere down the line after this they turned into fuckin' U2. I swear to God, I could play one of their songs off of Porcelain for Bono and he would lawyer up. It's a good band. This was the first song I ever heard by them off of a downloaded rough demo.

7. Carpal Tunnel Slug by Buckethead
Another favorite of the shuffle. There are 11,000 songs on this iPod and all I get are The National, Ryan Adams, Butch Walker, Beck, and Buckethead. Elvis? Hasn't come up once on shuffle. Now, Buckethead jams, but it's like Q-Bert to a DJ; this isn't something I'm going to have playing at a BBQ, but dud fuckin' jams. He also uses nunchuks live and is batshit crazy. Good guitar tones. Interesting composition on writing tunes. Not enough live drumming on most of his stuff, though. Now, legato? For daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays.

8. In God's Country by U2
And there's U2. Dude, shuffle is a scam. This is all premeditated. There was a fucking u2 iPod. Of course they are going to come up on shuffle. If you are going to do U2, you might as well listen to Joshua Tree. I go hot and cold on U2. I'm admittedly not a huge fan of all the echo that Edge uses. When he is just banging on an acoustic I can get behind it. Finally, U2 is interesting and they really do mean well, I think. Yeah, Bono, comes off as bigger than life and they charge $250 for tickets to watch them on giant screens, but they mean well.

9. I Ain't Tha 1 by N.W.A
All I have to say about this song is "Are We There Yet?" Seriously, what happened to Ice Cube. He used to be hella street. Now he's just countin papes like Ice-T. Hollywood came knocking and just leaving piles of money on their porches. Money will take a dude away from the streets. It did with me. i used to be hella street.

10. Vulnerability by Operation Ivy
This is pretty much where it all started. The shit actually kind of holds up relatively well. It just reminds me of being 16 and going to Berkeley Square for rock shows. This generation underneath us is fucked going to $180 Bieber shows. The rock show quite possibly could be dead. It's definitely scarce. There are also a lot of fakers trying to pass as real rock shows. A rock show isn't sponsored by Red Bull.

11. Hole in the Earth by The Deftones
These guys are so rad. They can do no bad in my book. I'm never like "Oh, that shit is so played" on a Deftones jam. There tones are distinctive and you immediately know when it's a Deftones song. That's such a good quality in a band that is a little lost these days...said the jaded fading hipster.

Side Note:Here is a sentence that you should never ever hear: "Oh, I've got to stop by my travel agent and then swing by Blockbuster and rent some movies for the kids tonight."

12. Autumn in New York by DJ Reggie (Ryan Adams side project)
It's absolutely insane late night bullshit, but he mentions Revenge of the Ninja sometimes. There was a nice morning just kicking it and listening to DJ Reggie jams in bed, but it's music for another time and place. It will be removed.

13. Dreamer in My Dreams by Wilco
This is off of Being There. It's also the name of an awesome Peter Sellers movie. It was my first Wilco album and I was like "Hmmm. Let's see what all this Wilco business is about." It's a great fuckin' double album. There newer shit smokes it, but there are some really deep jams on this album. This song isn't really my favorite. I don't like honky tonk so much. Honky tonk just has way too much tonk in it. This song is also like 2 minutes too long.

14. Backseat Love by N.E.R.D
Dude, I don't even know how this is on my iPod. If Adele comes up today, I'm going to get mad. There is some Gwen Stefani and Black Eyed Peas (pre-fergification) in there, too. It's one thing for a girl to leave underwear or a sock at your house, but Adele on your iPod? Amoxicillin won't get rid of that. This song blows. Rules are no skipping, though. I think it might be about anal sex. It's hella boring. Anal sex and the song. Anal sex with choking in a clown suit? Now, that is interesting.

15. Evening Star by Judas Priest
This is off of Hell Bent For Leather. How did hessians miss that clue in the album title? They could have called the album "Sucking Dicks on the Weekend" and dudes still wouldn't have got the hint. The thing a lot of people don't know about Judas Priest is they really aren't that heavy. Their music sounds like fuckin' Boston or Bad Company at some points. Adults just got scared of all that leather. I went and saw these dudes last year and I'm not being homophobic or anything, I'm just calling it as a I see it, there were some super gay points of the show. It's not meant to be derogatory, it's meant to be used as an adjective. This song is just meh.

16. Erase You by DJ Shadow
This is off of Outsider which was kind of a trip. Shadow had some hyphy shit and some Cold Play shit on the album and I didn't really know what to think, but a not as good DJ Shadow album is a lot better than a lot of other things. The beat on this is sick. The thing about DJ Shadow is you WILL get some sick beats.

17. The Reaping by Coheed & Cambria
the songs are about comic books and space, but these dudes have riffs for days. The lead singer takes a bit to get past and some people never make it, but if you can do Rush, you can do Coheed & Cambria. Riffs and bad ass solos. that is Coheed & Cambria.

18. Little Journey by The Avalanches
Probably the most interesting record I have ever stumbled upon. The sample selection is crazy as fuck. It's almost like Paul's Boutique the way he works samples together from old travel albums and modern jams. This CD is one of the crown jewels of my music collection.

19. Fizzy Lipton Drinks by Buckethead
This is heavy. Also heavy? The love that iPods have for Buckethead. Seriously?!?! A Steven Seaweed Threefer Madness is going to happen on this shuffle test. This song is off of Elephant Man's Alarm Clock and actually is pretty cool. The only thing, though, is if you don't play guitar this is not going to interest you. It's like Satriani not for general contractors and pressure washers. I don't know anyone else who listens to Buckethead. I don't know anyone else who really would. Oooh. There is a hidden track on this song. The track just goes quiet for a 3 minute gap and then starts rocking again. The hidden jam would say "Hey, I can play hella fast" if jams could talk. I am naming this hidden track "Still Life With Envelope Filter." This is why the days of CDs will be missed. The mp3 will destroy and maim music as we knew it. Fuck, records sound better than mp3s at this point.

20. Que Onda Guero by Beck
I fuckin' called it. I could pull these artists off of my iPod and Beck and Ryan Adams would still come up on shuffle. I've got nothing against Beck, but I'm dying to know how Apple programmed their shuffle. Does it honestly go grab U2, Beck, Ryan Adams and The National first and then spice it up with some random tunes to seem legit like it's not just playing the same shit over and over again?

21. The Stars Look Down by Rush
This is off of Vapor Trails after Neil Peart wife and daughter passed away in a tragic car accident. Rush was almost done, but dude went soul searching and came back a new man. I have a ton of respect for that. As far as Rush goes, I saw them last weekend and they are just monsters. Every one of them is the master of their instrument. Neil Peart hits his kit with purpose and perfection. The drum solo is a little lame at this point, but I could watch him play drums all day. Geddy Lee? Dude, a bass off between Steve Harris from Maiden and Geddy Lee from Rush would make the world spin backwards. I've seen them a couple times and they just get better as they get older. They definitely got me fired up on Rush again. This album, though? Not as awesome as Hemispheres. Dont' get me wrong, though. Rush is hella bad.

22. Plug In Baby by Muse
11,000 songs and it grabs two Muse songs off of Origin of Symetry. What are the odds of that? 2 in 11,000. That's .018%. So, here is how Muse works. The bass player plays classical triads to move the song along and the guitar adds the accents. That's how they make it work as a trio. It's actually really interesting and good and it's not their fault tha they got Blood Sugar Sex Magiced. I can still listen to them occasionally. They just always sound so...desperate? They are the soundtrack for the end of the world.

23. Instrumental 1 by Wilco
This is from the never released Yankee Hotel Foxtrot album that Warner refused to release and eventually got Wilco dropped from their label. It's documented in the movie I Am Trying To Break Your Heart. This version of the album is preferred in some circles. Jeff Tweedy leaked it to the Internet after the band was dropped from the label. What a savage. it's actually really cool to hear the differences between the songs on each album and some of the songs ended up as B-sides. This is what you need to know. Wilco is good. This song is pretty cool, as well. Just a mellow little piano ditty.

24. Conversation 16 by The National
.018% chance of this happening and it did. God, they are good, though. It just sucks that it's tainted. It's like going to your favorite restaurant and then getting home and getting the flu. You kinda blame the restaurant for it and don't want to go back. The thing is, though, the restaurant is still good. It's not the fault of the food provider. So, yeah, The National, gets fucked because I still get hung up on some exes. You can't just hoard your music, though. You have to share it with the caveat that you could lose it. I suppose it's the same as sharing some of those deep, dark feelings you have with someone you trust that will eventually just walk away like you weren't never there at all. This song is actually one of their more awesome songs. This album became the darling of Pitchfork last year. The luric "'Cuz I'm evil" is particularly good. Somewhere there is a picture of these dudes with myself and a friend in it.

25. Perfect Timing by David Lee Roth
Finally shuffle is comin' up Jauge. Steve Vai, Billy Sheehan and David Lee Roth? So sick. The opening riff is so awesome. The keyboards could be turned down in the mix, but who am I to question David Lee Roth. I sometimes get this riff stuck in my head. Those are good riffs when they do that.

26. Corduroy by Pearl Jam
I recently hung out with a girl that said this was her favorite Pearl Jam song. We discussed exchanging music and books and things were going real good. Then my buddy told me that he thought she was too old for me and should not date anyone older than me. For my final trick with her, I had a bottomless champagne brunch and stunt drank with her next to me. The idea was to drink enough champagne to drink on the house's money. I did and flipped the J.J. Show switch and we haven't talked since. We probably won't. Old habits die hard, but problem solved. It kinda sucks, but I think deep down, the guy driving this boat knows what he is doing. I hope. If not, we're fucked. Oh, as for the song, it's actually pretty good. This was the last Pearl Jam album that I bought and recently I've been listening to them again and they are a really cool band that just kept trudging through the end of grunge and came out on top by defying genre.

27. Snowden by The Doves
Dark, depressing, d'awesome. That's how I describe The Doves. Joelge got me into them and they really are dope. It's a soundtrack for a Sunday when you haven't talked to anyone in three days and you don't really see any chance of any human interaction for the rest of the day so you throw this on and read a book and enjoy being alone. That is The Doves. I don't share them. I want to keep them for me.

28. Crack The Skye by Mastodon
This song is radical. Science fiction and comic nerds have left their basements and picked up guitars and turned it to 12. The Sword, Coheed & Cambria and Mastodon are all nerds that just rock the shit out of everything. This whole album is incredible. They aren't the best live band, but may be one of the loudest. They play their music perfect, but that's the problem with their live show. It's almost too perfect. Their guitar lines are awesome in the way they are all crunchy and then get all loose and play single note lines that just sound gigantic. They are masters of sound dynamics. They are also still big dorks.

29. Cro-Magnon by Mr. Lif
This dude is smart. This is good hip-hop that you will never hear on the radio. So, go find it. Discover music and don't wait for it to be forced on you. Pro tip.

30. Get Yo' Feet Back On The Ground by Tower of Power
Best drummer ever in this band and from Pleasanton. I can't say enough about this band so I won't bother, but this record changed my fuckin' life. After I heard it, everything was different about music. The way I looked at my guitar was different. The way I listened to music changed. It made me feel insecure about my honky pox. It's just so funky and in the pocket, it's ridiculous. It makes me miss the East Bay like a Casper's dog does. Oh, and my family and stuff, but Tower of Power and a Casper's dog sounds like my Ben & Jerry's flavor called East Bay Grease. Crazy modulation on the fade out. Band nerds can make rad funk.

Gonna go build something at work now. A disaster recovery database. Seriously. When the shit goes down, everyone in the room will be looking at me hoping that my app on a thumbdrive is going to get us through it. Scary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In God's Country is a really good song. Was used in Three Kings which is a really good movie.