Friday, August 26, 2005

Pills Bury

I had some kind of crazy lumbar revolt going on earlier this week so I had to go home and have my own version of drug-fueled euphoria in the form of Flexirils. So, I got all setup like a teenager about to take mushrooms except instead of a blacklight, a Deep Purple record and a Betamax version of Alice In Wonderland, I had a remote control, a DVD, cell phone, and a glass of water. So, I stopped to get a DVD onthe way home from work and rented Sin City. As I was given the movie the Blockbuster guy (slave to the Mormon church) described to me that there were no late fees, but they would really appreciate it if we return the movies on time and then if after eight days it hasn't been returned, I obviously liked the movie so much that I want to buy it and my credit card will be charged for the movie. No more bullying by the movie place, it was very refreshing and is a weird corporate attitude, but I really liked it. Rather than demanding something, someone is asking nicely. Imagine if the RIAA was like "Please help us out and buy some music. If you bought more than we could lower the price and you could buy even more music." Instead, though, they say "Download any of that Kelly Clarkson and we will sue your ass..Thank you. come again."

So, Sin City . It was pretty cool visually. Kind of like the A-Ha video for "Take On Me" mixed with Who Framed Roger Rabbit with a sprinkle of any Tarantino movie. Most of the blood was white, which totally reminded me of Bishop from Alien when he gets cut open and starts spewing that white goo. I really like the color highlights that they worked into it and there are tons of girls butts.

Next, on the list is Twin Cinema by The New Pornographers. I actually went and paid $18 for it at Tower because I really like this band and thought they deserved the $3.50 per album cut that they get from Matador, hopefully. Great album. Mass Romantic is a little better, but this is still great. Songwriting is awesome and Neko Case kills me everytime I hear her voice. It's one of those voices like Tanya Donnelly or Aimee Mann where you just expect the woman to be painfully beautiful and then when their looks are average they still retain that beauty because their voice is so good. I'm not calling all of them average looking, either. The keyboard element is strong and the drums sound better than they have on earlier albums for some reason. Definitely receommended.

I also tried to checkout Minus The Bear's Menos El Oso after I heard some on KEXP the other day. It sounded good. Tower was out of it, so I will have to go find it this weekend.

Last thing, everytime a hurricane hits Florida I am a step closer to believing in God, Karma or Mother Earth. One of those three is trying to take care of us. I bet when the hurricane hits FLA there are just tons of ballots flying through the air still to this day.

This too shall pass.

Monday, August 22, 2005

R.I.P Bob Moog

Bob Moog passed away yesterday at the age of 71. A sad day in the music world. While he did not create any hits, he was an integral piece of some really great music and without having him behind the curtain making the gadgets, the public would have missed out on some great jams. In addition, prog-rock would probably have never happened...well it would have, but with ARP synthesizers instead.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

To Each His Schon

Neal Schon, afro or post-afro was awesome. Not so much for playing, but for just being Neal Schon. He had his own custom, horrible looking guitar, an ongoing ego struggle with Steve Perry and also cut an album with Jan "Crockett's Theme" Hammer. That's my diversion this morning as I wait for some type of correspondence that is completely innocent and matter-of-fact, but will probably crush me.

I paid my wife's and my car insurance yesterday because I'm a huge douche with a sprinkle of wanting to maintain good credit and be responsible. I am getting more comfortable with the fact that I will be alone for awhile as chicks don't dig the pending divorce thing as much as dudes do. So, in the meantime, I am trying to do nice stuff for other people even though my therapist tells me to do more for myself. I would and I will once I figure out what that is.

Here is something that is less whiny and might be useful. Occassionally, I think about my past realtionship and overanalyze things and there is something that sprung to my mind as an indicator, in retrospect, of the doom attached to my relationship. The indicator was the decline of quality of gifts received from my significant other. That all culminated with the last Valentine's Day/Anniversary gift, granted it was a paper anniversary, I got a calendar and some SRO Giant's tickets. The thought counted and it was paper, however, we probably should have just given each other divorce papers then and spared myself a ton of hurt, but whatever. The Christmas preceeding that, she gave me some used DVDs from Blockbuster. One of the movies, I didn't even really like. So, I should have known she was going through the motions at that time. It just sucks when I come across a card or something that is full of lies related to affection and commitment. The kicker was the gift of being betrayed in Vegas on my birthday. She was one awesome lady.

Anyway, more interesting things. NASA flew the space shuttle into orbit to perform some repairs. Now, I'm no rocket scientist, but maybe those things do need to be retired if we have to work on them on the side of the space highway. That is definitely not my idea of what the future held for space travel. I was thinking lightsabers, spaceships with holographic chess, lightspeed, other planets, at least the moon, but we haven't really seen anything that great yet besides our janky-ass space station with foil up over the windows to keep the sun out like some monogalactic crack den. NASA really has to do something cool and quick before the astronauts come back and have grease up to their elbows because they had a bad fan belt or had to replace an air filter in space.

CBGBs, the icon of the punk movement is in danger of closing it's doors forever. Some blame 9/11, but you would think just from the merchandising of T-shirts or coasters or mousepads, they would be okay. That's the problem with being about the music, though. You take some money and pay DJs to play crap and you will do fine, however you stick to your guns and support quality music and you are doomed against a DJ in a club who will play all of that crap that the money toting sheep have been programmed to enjoy. The sad part is that they really think they are enjoying it because they know no better.

Should probably try and go back to work. In case anyone has been reading this, I have been a horrible host, just haven't felt real inspired to post lately.