Friday, October 27, 2006

Back On This Blog

I'm going to start this blog again. The digs need some serious work, but I will, hopefully, get some time to dust off my dynamic html skills from 1997 and clean it up a little bit and start posting again about everything from being STD-free (so awesome) to happy, positive and freakish things that start happening around me, like my experience with the boneless buffalo wing drought of Seattle in October of 2006. It's crazy that Seattle is such a great city and only 27 people live there. I mean, shit, they have a Monorail and a Space Needle. What more could people want? Seriously, it's my number two city to live in if the Bay Area wasn't so super stellar. I would like a space needle, locally, though.

Also, on a space needle tip, my sister outclassed me by a hundred times by paying to go up on the space needle and then immediately taking a dump as soon as she got to the top. I fucking love her for that.