Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Boing Boing posted a link to a news story on a bipedal dog. I normally don't make it to video stuff, but i was interested to see how this worked. It was vomit inducing amazing. I didn't know whether to be sick or impressed. It looks really weird, especially a minute in to the video where it looks like the dog is checking pay phones for forgotten change with its no arms.

Here's the link. Armless Dog

Monday, February 26, 2007

Bones Brigade

The question of "What came first? Ban This or Public Domain." came up the other day with someone and they said "God, they gotta put those movies out on DVD." They are on DVD and not enough people know. What they really need is a box set with all the Bones Brigades and the soundtrack included. That's right. You can actually purchase the soundtrack with such Johnny Rad hits as "Skate To School" or was it "Skate To Create?" Regardless, by the end of the song, Johnny Rad has convinced me that "skating is guh-rayit."

Some of the stuff will get dated like Tommy Guerrero jumping driveways in the Sunset District on a board that looks like a condom cut out of a piece of plywood stolen from a construction site. Or, you may see a lapper or "The Bird" in the background of some of the scenes or giant two-toned wheels.

On the other hand, you can see the birth of street skating with Rodney Mullen busting kickflips while us kids were doing acid drops and handplants. My final point? Bones Brigade III has the dopest collection of Air Jordan's in it, ever, and also happens to be like the Led Zeppelin IV of skate videos. The Chin ramp scene would be like the "Stairway To Heaven" of skateboard scenes. That may be controversial, but I'd argue it.

Oh, here are the links.

Bones Brigade Video Show (1984)
Bones Brigade II: Future Primitive (1985)
Bones Brigade III: The Search For Animal Chin (1987) SPOILER ALERT! They never find him.
Bones Brigade IV: Public Domain (1988)
Bones Brigade V: Ban This (1989)

Bones Brigade Video Tunes

Speak & Spell & TV Hell

This is fun. Click on the pic to go speak n spell. This could come in handy for anyone stupid enough to be on Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader. Jeff Foxworthy and stupid whitetrash. Hmmmm. Add corndog and it would be just like being at the Alameda County Fair when a Garth Brooks impersonator is the main stage entertainment.

When I saw the commercial during the OC finale (No Judging), I looked at a picture of my family and I in the future (timetravel) and I started to disappear from the picture like the McFlys in Back To the Future...and then my handed started turning transparent...and then the music of Huey Lewis filled my head and I stopped being angry by thinking about the Power of Love. What was I just talking about?

You Gotta Work

Some work gripes this morning...afternoon. I didn't know that it was noon already. There is a person at work that schedules me in meetings to the point that sometimes it is hard to get stuff done. It would be no problem if we were getting stuff done, but it seems to be just a reason to go through Powerpoints and play pretend business. I was sitting in one this morning and it hit me of what it was starting to remind me of: fucking tea parties with my little sister growing up.

Little girls have tea parties. I have four or five sisters, so the seat gets put back down, I reference toxic shock syndrome and I know when to just leave something alone on a monthly basis. They all hit it at the same time for a while and it was a fucking war zone in the house growing up. I also have good produck in my shower and I am very comfortable with panties in the laundry without being too comfortable in a pervy trenchcoat kind of way. I wonder if kids have green tea or soy latte parties now.

Anyway, being in these meetings feel the same way that that did. You are kind of humoring the person in charge of the meeting and writing down notes that you will most likely throw away when you get back to your desk. It's a lot like drinking water out of tiny cups at a tiny table with your little sister while you stick your pinky out. I can't believe she was going off about how horrible I was to her yesterday at my niece's birthday. Yes, she was duct taped to the refrigerator one day and repeatedly thrown off of our loft onto a pile of pillows, but everything was methodically planned ahead of the time and she was never in harm's way. I guess I used to hide her in my hockey bag from my mom, too, but that was just a game that we played.

This morning in the meeting I noticed that I avoided eye contact with anyone in the meeting at all costs and just stared down intently and jotted down some things a for a presentation that I have to give in San Diego (4 vistors from SD to the blog in the last week, that's a shoutout) in a couple of weeks. So, we got our agendas with 13 points and 13 sub-points outlined on them to inventory some things in a particular building at work. It should have had one point that said "Inventory Things," but instead it's been spread out into two months of meetings when I could have carried out this task on a Saturday morning in the time it would take to drink a cup of coffee.

The king of the "teaparty" is dubbed Project Manager and I am part of the "Steering Committee." I went to that link right there and read the first line of my new responsibilities and lost interest. It sounds really nautical, but I didn't see anything about sterns, afts, rudders or pirates, so I'm not really interested. Don't you have to have an inkling of desire to be on a committee? I was never asked to be on this committee nor told that I was on it until I saw it in the agenda. What if NAMBLA was like "we are pleased to inform you that you are now a member of our esteemed association?" Or worse, the Republican party. Fuck that, there are rules.

Because of this involuntary assignation, I am actively boycotting this steering committee through a barrage of disinformation consisting of opposing committees and groups that I am already a member of. I'm also getting endorsements from allied committees such as the IBTC and the OHPGC. That is a pretty deep cut inside joke right there.

Anyway, I guess I'm just bitching about a colossal waste of time and a dislike of people going through the motions of working without actually doing it. Sometimes it's just better to shut up and finish your shit rather than creating ppts and agendas with bulletpoints and pulling people away from doing work so that you can avoid it yourself. I don't play well with others.

I'm such a hypocrite. I just wrote this while everyone else was probably working and now I have to sit here to try and figure out why the traits that I abhor in people the most are the traits that dominate my personality.

Friday, February 23, 2007


Found this when I was YouTubing friends' names. The title is Teachers Rap About Teaching High School. It came after watching the Mini-Mall Rap commercial and Ms. Peachez. Add her as a myspace friend. There is a little Mr. Belding to one of those dudes in the video.

Oh fuck it. Here's Ms. Peachez with "In Da Tub."

Karaoke pwn4ge

Last night after work I felt that I needed to let off a little steam. After two drinks, I went home and changed and walked to my local bar in the rain. It was like a fucking truck stop mixed with the cantina from Star Wars. Just a bunch of craggly fuckers sittin' around talkin' about how they couldn't find jobs so they were going to move to Southern California to find some work. It was like a knockoff version of Grapes of Wrath. It would be called Raisins of Ire.

Anyway, I had a beer and put in a ton of music in the jukebox and played music trivia for a bit. Then, the karaoke guy rolled in. I felt obligated to sing some Van Halen because I bugged him about getting some in his book forever. Dude, now he has...Oh, I also got into a "Don't Call Me Dude" conversation with some old fucker in the bar last night. I debated and berated until he lost interest. I used terms like American vernacular to scare him away from the argument. Anyway, the guy has everything from "In The Air Tonight" to "Unchained" to probably "Pac-Man Fever" by Buckner-Garcia. Before going to that link you should get a Pac-Man Fever vaccination, seriously.

A few bar friends eventually showed up and the dude who sings Dio and The Scorpions. He is awesome. His wife smelled like weed. The night turned into a semi-bender of Ketel and sodas and I realized I would be late to work the next day right as I got up to sing "Jump" by Van Halen. It's been a while and there may still be a ban on me singing this at the Carlos Club since the fireplace-over the couch-head on ceiling tile incident of the early 2000s.

Well, as luck would have it, there may be another ban on me singing this song at my local bar. It's like a diminished chord in the 14th century or something. So, the song was going fine, my voice was a little blown out, but it was working. I saw a stray chair out of the corner of my eye and kind of maneuvered it away from a table while I did the David Lee Roth shoulder thing a couple of times. It was dark, people weren't noticing what I was up to because I'm like a ninja. Catlike. Then, in that chorus right before the solo, I took a running start and jumped off the chair attempting to do the splits. The chair slid a bit on the tile floor and I don't think anyone knew that there was a ceiling fan in there until my hand hit it and it fired me right back down to the ground, landing flat on my ass.

So, there I am on the ground next to a knocked over chair with some scratches on my hand from the fan and a bruised ass while the karaoke version of the solo is going. It was my Pullitzer moment, the way it epitomized my life at the moment. Go ahead read into that. I realized I looked like an ass, so I got up and propped the chair back up and did two more jumps off of it. I am nursing karaoke-related injuries, however, today.

This is what I do when I should be sleeping.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Dream Police

First off, what kind of place blows cold air into your office in the morning and warm air in the afternoon? It's their fault when I'm not productive because of this.

So, I woke up this morning a little loopy because a)I wake up too early for humans and b)I was up late last night because Lost moved to 10:00 PM. What a shitty episode last night, too.

Anyway, I had woke up with something super funny running through my head, but had no one to tell it to. I didn't write it down and got in the shower and ready for work and it was lost. That's a downside to waking up before your brain has woken up. The next thing that I remembered this morning has stuck with me all day for some reason.

The last dream that I remember took place on my parents' front lawn. I was out front and a monkey smeared in blood fell off of the roof. The blood was clotty and filled the monkeys fur. It looked at me and I somehow knew it had AIDS and was scared to death of it touching me. Then, a crow landed right next to it and I was yelling at the crow to get away from it. The crow looked at me and then stuck it's beak into the monkey and pulled away a strip of bloody monkey flesh. I woke up super scared after that.

The questions are: was it a scene from a David Lynch movie? and Does this mean that I should check out therapy? Regardless, it is still fairly disturbing me all day today.

Boris Vallejo is...

In your Internets. Clogging up your pipelines with centaurs.
Boris Vallejo Gallery

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

24 Hours x 3

Fuckin' A. In the last 72 hours, chronologically:
-my neighbor showed me two pics on his phone of a lady that he has been having sex with. One was bare boobies and the other one was her butt. He said she said that he could show it to his friends. Whah?!?!?!?
-I dropped the soap in the shower at the gym. It hit the ground, denting one side, and skipped out of the stall. Wet soap is slippery. Pro Tip. I had to reach out to get it and then stood back up, but the standing motion was interrupted by the shower handle smashing my head in. I briefly checked for blood, but had to settle for a lump that hurts any time my head drops below my hips. Don't ask why I am lowering my head below my hips.
-I dropped off my second to last divorce document. I am very close to being a free man. Finally, I can start dating again without legally cheating. I don't drink Cristal, but this may be an event that would be worth it. When I get my Office Depot Divorce certificate, it is going to be a nice day, indeed.
-I saw myself in dark socks and underwear and had the urge to take a picture because I was cracking myself up looking at myself.
-Shaved off a beard that I kind of liked Monday morning. It was really soft and nice. I looked mature.

MedCab For Cutie

I went through the left side of my medicine cabinet to reorganize the stuff chronologically in regards to how I use it throughout the day and decided to document what is in there, as well as why. We will be going from left to right so please follow along. I would really recommend clicking on it and viewing all of the associated notes on my flickr.

1. Right Guard Sport, Active Scent, Gel - This is new and goes on clear, wet and cold. I don't like it, but until recently, I couldn't find my old brand. It went on white and warm and relatively dry. I know where to get the old kind now, so fuck Target for not carrying it.

2. Jack Black Beard Lube - This stuff is really good. I have to slip into the beauty supply store to procure this stuff. I usually grab a thing of rough paste when I'm in there, too. I then have to stash the pink bag that it comes in like you have to stash the black porno bag with gold wine grapes on it that they give you at the liquor store. A couple of the selling points are that it goes on clear, it moisturizes and makes shaving easier. I use the same blade for like two months, so I need really good stuff like this around. It's expensive, though, it ain't Old Spice.

3. Neutrogena Post Shave Lotion - This is pretty standard stuff that can be found at Target when you buy toilet paper and paper towels. It just helps smoove your face a bit before work.

4. Neutrogena Age Fighter Face Moisturizer - Hedging bets and filling crows feet. Mom gave me some good traits and mom and grandpa gave me some nice crows feet. Plus, given the chance to fight anything at 6:45 AM sounds good to me.

5. Vaseline Nightly Renewal - I don't use this much, I think it came saran wrapped to something else when I bought it. I should probably put it in my travel kit.

6. Redken Rough Paste - This is the shit. You have to be careful to not just rub it into your scalp because you will burn yourself because it fucking holds and texturizes. It's a cheaper alternative to Sumo Wax and I know how to work with it. I love this stuff.

7. Bed Head, Hard To Get Texturizing Paste - I use this if I ever run out of rough paste. This produck is more like the paste that you used and may have eaten in kindergarten. Works pretty well and doesn't look to greasy.

8. Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan - My mom gave me this stuff when I was bummed and going through a divorce. I was too stubborn to take any other meds and this may have helped. I looked it up on the Interwebs and it may be helping with nocturnal ejaculate or premature ejaculation, it was a bad translation so I'm not sure. It seems to work when I need it without making me crazy. It's good for my yin apparently.

9. Tylenol PM - Helps me sleep when I can't. I live by a train and some nights it is hard too sleep. Had a few bad interactions with this stuff; you have to be careful. Also, if you are drinking, do not take this at all. Your skin will start to show signs of jaundice as your liver starts to experience some difficulties. I'm not saying that my cheeks progressively started turning orange when I took this for a month or that I would go to work with my shirt on inside out and my zipper down, but I bet it could happen.

10. Multi For Him - Dudes need vitamins.

11. 100% Vitamin E - Dudes need vitamins for their skin. Sometimes it makes my tats puffy.

12. Welbutrin XL - When I was going through a divorce, my doctor gave me sex talks and a prescription for these. He told me that they would make me happy and quit smoking. Because of Aldous Huxley, I thought that it would be cheating to take a pill to be happy and instead chose to roam the earth in search of happiness. I'm not saying it worked, but at least I wasn't cheating and the Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan or a soccer game could usually get me through the day without it. I still smoke, but am working on it. If you want some Welbutrin, let me know. I think there is some Zoloft in my medicine cabinet, too.

13. Flexiril - I slipped a disc in my L5 vertebrae that looks like a bag of heroin in an MRI. Sometimes it blocks nerves to my right leg and makes me really uncomfortable and numb. When that happens, I take one of these and drool and watch children's TV shows. Before I take one, it's like a teenager taking acid for the first time. I get all prepared and have a thing of water close, a remote control, and some trail mix in case I need a snack while I am under. Drop this in my drink and I am yours.

14. Ibuprofen - Also known as Vitamin Saturday. Dudes need vitamins.

15. Motrin - Again, this is related to my L5. When it hurts bad, this makes things feel better. Shit puts me out, though. It's just the same as taking 8 Advil, so you can recreate it without a prescription.

That's it. That's the little man behind the curtain. Screams metro, Doant It?

Santum, Datum, Erratum

Based on those word structures, the plural form of scrotum would be scrota. I only thought of that because I've been sitting in my chair at work smashing mine, unbeknownst to myself, for the last hour and didn't realize it until I got up.

This happens on long drives sometimes. It used to happen between Chico and the Bay Area a lot when I was in a long distance relationship. I would only realize it once I stepped out of the car because my body has not evolved to register the pain of sitting on a testicle for an hour and a half while driving. Someone who knows stuff should probably check out that phenomena, as well as collection of phenomenum. That word might be made up.

In unrelated news, I went to a homebuying workshop put on through work last night and it felt like sitting on the aforementioned for an hour and a half. Does that make it related news? Here is the skinny. I will need to find a second income to incorporate into my life if I ever even think about buying a condo in the area that I like living in. Some would call this a girlfriend or S/O. So, now on top of everything else, a companion needs to be smart, witty, laugh at the right things, stable, possibly English, shorter than me in heels, have good hair, be very quick and resourceful, possibly good at soccer, willing to live with a freak and sometimes wear heels with a bikini. Small things, but necessary.

Add heels and bikini to the phenomenum list.

A few things:
I finally put a copy of Sparta, Threes on my iPod and gave it a few listens. It's pretty good. It's funny how you hear all the At The Drive In stuff missing from The Mars Volta and vice versa. Some of it starts to sound like U2, it's a little weird. Also, I'm still behind and haven't listened to the new Mars Volta, which I heard is a trip.

Also, Silversun Pickups, I'm super late on this, but really dug the single and finally put the whole album on my iPod and listened to the whole thing. Sounds like SDRE in some spots, which isn't a bad thing. Really cool stuff.

Also, there is a director's cut of O Valencia! by The Decemberists on youtube, posted by Pitchfork that is pretty good. It's ten minutes long and I think Crispin Hellion Glover (his web site looks like CrispingLover.com see also TheRapist.com for therapist links) is playing Colin Meloy. Think the Smooth Criminal mini-movie if it was filmed in Portland, OR. Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Kool-Aid Scans

My mom wanted me to scan her a bunch of Kool-Aid packets, but they are getting harder to find. When I was in college, I would by 5 packets for a dollar and drink the shit out of the stuff until I developed an ulcer. It couldn't have been the whiskey and cigarettes,. It had to be the Kool-Aid. Anyway, here's a link to a gang of Kool-Aid Scans on a tripod site. I apologize about that.

Hmmmm. You should have this bookmark.

I just got an urge to listen to Bron-Y-Aur Stomp off of Led Zeppelin III and didn't have the opportunity to go home and reopen the old 4 disc box set, nor do I have Zeppelin III on tape anymore, so I'm very fortunate for knowing about this. Use it while you can, it's 1001 albums streaming from the '50s to now. It's really awesome and super great at work. If you could create playlists or shuffle, it would be better, but it will do for now. Or, if you need work music just put on one of those dentist office stations that plays the same ten songs every hour. I did an internship like that during the Fuel, Puddle of Mudd period and it drove me crazy.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Side Note. Pocket Symphony

As a side note, the new Air album is awesome chill music. Although, it's too cold to go lay by the pool and listen to this while reading some pretentious book amidst flailing kids on floaty toys as a visual; I'll be looking forward to it.

"One Hell of a Party" is really dope. Combining this and Zero 7 would be like combining a Vicodin and a Glennfiddich, over.

Things I Find...Interesting

So, I just went to dispose of cigarette butts in a trash bin in the shopping center of sorrow next to my apartment complex and saw a folded up note on the ground and picked it up. The scan is right there. Dude! WTF?!?!?! It's from a book with a quote by Moses Ben Jacob Meir ibn Ezra. He is a Hebrew philosopher and I couldn't figure out which book it is from. I'm imagining it is a required reading text from a local high school. The degradation of the world is afoot. Here is a list of things related to the shopping center of sorrow:

1. Little kid who rips off the San Francisco Chronicle bin causing them to not put papers in there anymore.

2. Discarded porn DVD covers put in the garbage.

3. A reggae festival ticket stub.

4. Abandoned shopping carts galore.

5. Two RVs that do not move.

6. A chinese food place that you should never eat at.

7. A cobbler/postoffice.

8. A boat with a blue tarp over it.

9. Now, this note.

I think new dishwasher or not, it might be time to plan a move. I've got to sit, though, and wait for some paper work because I found out that in a community property state, it's very hard to get things done when you are legally married. It kind of sucks. So, I will roll my Honda Civic and live in my ghetto apartment amidst the other half. For Lost fans, it's like there is a row of apartments that are ghetto representing the island and two-bedroom, 1.5 Million dollar Eichlers representing the rest of the world. Poverty has never felt so expensive and exclusive.

God, that's a fucked up note.

Since Friday

Went to work Mardi Gras party at Noon on Friday and got back to the office at two. Looked at my computer and decided any shred of productive fire had been doused by two Coors Lights and two Coronas. I was also subtley aware of a new Gluten free beer from Anheuser-Busch. It's called Redbridge and is lumped in with their niche brands. They own everything. Here are some other brands that they make: Anheuser World Lager, which apparently is made here and imported to Europe, I guess. Drink the beer of the country you hate, Europeans. Bare Knuckle Stout is another brand, but I've never seen it. Rolling Rock is in there. Never heard of it. Bud Extra and ZiegenBock are the last two. Since the rediscovery of Lowenbrau, it may be time to seek out and find these wonderful brands, I'm sure. I have fallen in love with Budweiser Select, so I firmly pledge my allegiance to the WifeBeater flag when I'm not drinking Ketel and sodas with lime. So delicious.

Anyway, packed up my office and headed home, stopping to buy some of the aforementioned Budweiser Select, and played some FIFA '07 to get up to date with the current season. I'm playing as Arsenal in Manager mode and I'm averaging about 8 goals a game so I'm going to increase the difficulty level pretty soon to Semi-Pro because that's how I roll. Four beers later, I made plans to go downtown with a friend and hit some of the usuals realizing that if I had one beer, my car was having a slumber party with downtown, so I needed to make sure I didn't park in the Farmer's Market parking lot. A person will do that about once and never do it again. Talked to girls wearing barely anything and managed to offend two or three. One conversation that I'm rather proud of went like this:

Girl: Do you play soccer?
Me: Yes, why?
Girl: Well, you're wearing a soccer jersey. Did you play today?
Me: No, last Wednesday was my last game.
Girl: Are you playing later tonight?
Me: No. (At this point, I realize where she is going and scramble for a comeback.)
Me: Do you plan on having sex later tonight?
Girl: What?!
Me: 'Cuz you are dressed like a slut.
Girl: (Looks at my drinking partner) Your friend is cute, but he's an asshole.

We left after meeting some people from the O.C. (the place where the airport is, not the show) and discussed armband tattoos or something. I'm only pointing it out because I believe that's how one of them described themselves. It was vile.

Went to the English pub downtown and played five bucks of the best jukebox down there while drinking two pints of Boddington's and then grabbed a cab and called it a night.

I was tore up the next day so could not enjoy the beautiful day as I intended and had a search and rescue mission for my car. Organized for a ride and went to breakfast where my skillet with sausage and mushrooms was subbed out for sausage and onions. It was gross, but I got a chocolate milk with breakfast because I realized it had been like three years since I had had a glass of milk and for some reason when the waitress asked, chocolate milk came out. Not out of the waitress and not actual chocolate milk, but the word came out of my mouth to order it.

I went home and watched In the City on BBC America and loved it. It's my new The OC. I'm also realizing that I really want an English girlfriend now. I'll even eat weirdly named English candy and canned meats to get one.

Went to bed at nine and woke up too early on Sunday. Went out to my parents' house for a compilation birthday party for relatives, but I don't remember which one's were having birthdays and gave some old Star Wars toys, in their original packaging, to my nephew. I realized I did not need a lightsaber anymore...unless there was an earthquake and my flashlight was broken. Shit! I might have to go buy a new one now that I thought of that.

Anyway, I've got some Uncle Dean stories on that and a blood on the curb when I drove up story; it was good to see everyone. I'm kind of getting into being an Uncle myself now and don't want the kids to remember me as weird or drunk when they get older. I know why the caged bird sings. So, now I hold them and talk to them and help them out with stuff. We drink root beer together and can hang out now. Dean story and bloody lady story later. I'm seriously about to pee myself.

I'll finish this later. What a waste of a blog.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Don't Ask Why I Think This is Awesome

I'm surprised my family didn't invent this. The divorced ring from the divorced jewelry company. This is a quote from the site " We created a line of rings with a separation in the normal 'never-ending circle'. This symbolizes a point in ones life when some type of separation came, whether by divorce or by the loss of a loved one." To tell the truth, I find it a little morbid, but could respect the idea.

The only thing is that I can't stop imagining some caricature of a cat lady sipping a chardonnay telling her story in a biker bar while trying to get a piece of some construction worker dressed up as a guy on a Harley. Or, for the ladies, Milhouse's dad.

Upon further investigation, there is an apparel section which is sadly lacking a shirt that says "If You can read this, the bitch fell off." I love that shirt not for what it stands for, but for it's lameness. There are shirts that say "Divorce Happens","Divorced and Loving It", and "I Got Out of the Box." Again, a little disappointing that they don't have a shirt that says "Got Divorce."

Just got a lightbulb in my head and these shirts would make for brilliant C-rags. Pro Tip!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

New Technique. Take Note.

Leveraging technology to its fullest is how I roll. Consolidation of technology is how I don't roll. I refuse to talk into a PalmPilot because it feels like talking into a banana and makes you look crazy. A bluetooth headset is for in the car by yourself, like singing, because of the crazy factor again. If you walk down the street talking to yourself with your bluetooth on, you should be kicked in the guy balls or girl balls for being a jackass.

I think I'm creating a stance in support of the specialization of tools with one exception in the form of The Leatherman. I think the evolution of cool shit goes like Fire, the wheel, the cotton gin, Swiss army knife, magic shell, string cheese, Star Wars, cell phone in a briefcase and then the Leatherman. The Pontiac Trans-Am and Burt Reynolds fit in there somewhere, too.

So, why was I ranting and tangenting on this? Oh, I got a whiteboard for my fridge and will write stuff that I need to do or pickup at the grocery store, Trader Joe's or hair produck store (do not call it a beauty supply store). It seemed inefficient to write all of it down again, so I take a picture of it with my phone and transfer it via Bluetooth to my laptop at work and then print it out. I think it's quit Brilliente. That's Mexican for brilliant. Here is today's list:

Monday, February 12, 2007

Go Here (Do This)

There is a great art exhibit in Culver City at Corey Helford Gallery. Juxtapoz had something about it in their blog. It's kind of awesome. The concept is to take a paint-by-numbers painting and then paint your own stuff on it. According to the Juxtapoz blog, all the paintings will be put on eBay to be auctioned off for charity. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Holy Snap (Another YouTube moment)

When I first saw The Wall, I was on acid or mushrooms like you are supposed to be. When I first saw Fantasia I was just drunk and I wish that it was more like this:

Genesis Reunion

The Police opened the Grammy's last night and were awesome. No brainer. Yeah, it's kinda the Sting show, but Stewart Copeland is awesome even when he was dressed up like a college history professor into sci-fi and prog rock. Can't wait for that tour.

Then you have DLR (please light the van halen torch RothArmy) back with Van Halen, but how can we ignore the fact that Genesis has reunited and is playing a free show in Rome to end their world fuckin' tour? Here is a little reminder of the genius and absolute distillation of the band Genesis once Peter Gabriel left the band and they had such hits as "Illegal Alien","I Can't Dance", and "Land Of Confusion." We shall not forget. You gotta love the Bugle Boys reference at the beginning of the I Can't Dance video. I think it competed against "Stay The Night" by Chicago at the MTV video music awards that year.