Friday, August 01, 2008

Precious Metal

The nerdiest line in a metal song ever is by Coheed & Cambria: "This comlinks lost its frequency and I feel that we're coming home short."

It's about a fucking spaceship. They have got to be the only sci-fi metal band currently in existence. Metal used to be about punching wusses and smoking cigarettes behind Round Table while you lean on a 280Z and somewhere in there the kids from the comic book stores took it over. It's really fuckin' weird.

You think Klaus Meine was ever into comic books? Doubt it. You think Rob Halford was ever into...Anyway. Halford ruined everything for macho dudes in leather in general. In Heavy Metal Parking Lot all the dudes are just imagining Halford with tons of super hot or not even that hot, but still with tons of groupies having mad orgies and drinking champagne mixed with motor oil while coked out of his mind before the show while they were in the parking lot. Cut to Halford reading a copy of Honcho (have to cite the ex-wife on that reference) while drinking white wine dreaming about giving a dude in a bar an HJ.

Anyway, that's life. A little disappointment sprinkled with unlikely accomplishments and two tablespoons of everything will be fine.

Also, if you are keeping score at home. I got picked up on by a gay dude, a cougar and dude's wife all in an hour and a half last night. I should never leave the house.

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